1. Australia First Party Programmatic And Membership Documents

The party seeks to instruct its members in how to build the party and to directly recruit their fellow Australians.

Australia First Party Community and Electoral Programme

Australia First Party Community and Electoral Programme

The 8 Core Policies which are the party’s articles of association, the full Programme which we adv..

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Branch Activities Manual

Branch Activities Manual

This is a guide to all party organizers on how to construct branches and carry out activities. It ..

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Member Starter Booklet

Member Starter Booklet

A simple guide to the party and how to act to advance it...

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On Political Guerrilla War (Jim Saleam and others)

On Political Guerrilla War (Jim Saleam and others)

The radical method that launches activism with minimal resources. It separates the nationalist str..

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Party Of The Nation

Party Of The Nation

Philosophy, rights, and obligations of membership. We explain what sort of party Australia First i..

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The Winning Edge. (Lachlan Black)

The Winning Edge. (Lachlan Black)

Localised organisational structure and effective political action. Various techniques...

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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)